Week 3: Causal Diagrams

Which Factors Influence the Decision Process During Hiring?

As I mentioned in earlier posts my project uses fictitious data and actors. I have some experience on both sides of the hiring table, yet I find it difficult to motivate my actors in meaningful ways. How can I capture their dilemmas when I don’t experience their unique goals?

The Causal Diagram’s positive or negative relations has been helpful on this issue. I can better imagine some of the critical issues which could influence stakeholders when I observe the trade-offs present between criteria. I’m not sure this is valid approach for developing the Causal Diagram–to find motivation in the problems inherent in the problem you’re trying to address! Nevertheless, this is an exercise, and so far, this work represents the most comprehensive look I have taken at employment relationships for some time.

Job Applicant Causal Diagram


Employer Causal Diagram


Customer Causal Diagram


NOTE: I apologize for any inconsistencies in the graphic forms. There are several thoughts/ideas here because I’ve worked on these over different days. I will standardize this before completing the next assignment.